Location: Quietude, 1130 Montreat Rd, Black Mountain, NC
Date/Time: Aug 5, 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Topic: Lotus Petal Sangha
As a group, we will Zoom into "Lotus Petal Sangha" to join Judith Toy and Roger Hawkins online.
Judith will start us off with a meditation and Roger will offer a dharma discussion. There will be time at the end for the group to share or ask questions.
Beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome for an evening of meditation and a dharma talk.
Our Teachers
Having hosted Sangha practice for 17 years in Black Mountain and six years in New Hope Pennsylvania in the 90’s, Judith Toy and her late husband Philip Toy facilitated the well-attended Cloud Cottage Community of Mindful Living in Black Mountain. After his passing and after six plus years in the Appalachian wilderness of East Tennessee, Judith is newly married to Daniel Feeser and looking forward to time with her Black Mountain tribe. Judith has been a Zen student since the early ‘90’s and was ordained in 1997 by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh with the Dharma Name True Door of Peace. She continues to guide online practice with her friend and Dharma teacher Roger Hawkins, Shikan Sensei Monday evenings on Zoom’s Lotus Petal Sangha. She is mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, author (Murder as a Call to Love, A True Story of Transformation and Forgiveness), book editor, poet, artist, and world traveler who likes to invite her kid out to play. She is published in two volumes of Shambala’s Best Buddhist Writing, as well as her articles as former associate editor of The Mindfulness Bell and many Buddhist and non-Buddhist publications. Two years ago at age 78 she enjoyed extreme ziplining over the mountains of S. Africa.
Roger Hawkins arrived in 1971 at the San Francisco Zen Center at age 22, just after the passing of the celebrated Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Having studied for two years with Taizen Maezumi Roshi until his death, Roger received Dharma transmission from Lou Mitsunen Nordstrom Roshi after completing koan work. Roger holds a doctorate in psychology from Antioch University. Combining Zen with psychotherapy throughout the eighties, he addressed the minds of American Buddhist students in his inspiring and gentle way. In 2003, he founded the Broward (FL) Zen Group, now online, where he travels to teach twice a year. He leads three online Sanghas, including Lotus Petal Sangha with Judith. Roger is the author of two books: Great Doubt, The Desire for Self-Inquiry, a text which does “nothing less than carve out a new niche in Western Dharma in short chapters packed with the wisdom of a teacher who cut his eye teeth at San Francisco Zen Center in its glory days,” and Desire for Truth, 241 pages of Hawkins’ poems that tenderly embrace our shared being.
Other Information
Please silence your phone for the duration, or, if essential, please place it on vibrate.
Access to community and wisdom should be available to everyone, so all sangha events are offered for free. Following ancient buddhist practice, we collect danā. Danā is a Pali word that denotes a special kind of giving. It means “generosity” or “giving freely. Danā is a practice of a mutual exchange of generosity and abundance. It develops lovingkindness and compassion, deepens awareness of our interconnectedness and encourages non-attachment. If this kind of giving is available to you, there will be a donation box at this event. Any amount offered is correct and appreciated. $15 is one suggested amount.
Quietude is a micro-retreat center dedicated to the cultivation of mindfulness and the inner life. It provides a container for awareness, introspection, and personal development. Quietude is rooted in the understanding that we all benefit from periodically taking time out from our day-to-day routines and responsibilities.